Yt Framework Template is using:
1. Modules:
- SJ Basic News
- Sj Module Tabs
- Yt Accordion With K2
- Yt K2 Slideshow
- Yt K2 SlideShow II
- So K2 Slider
- SJ Splashes K2
- SJ K2 Extra Slider
- SJ Mega K2 News
2. Plugins
3. Components
This Joomla! template supports a wide variety of module positions which can be archived automatically by the system.The module positions are fully collapsible mean that if there are no modules published in particular position, this module position will disappear and the other modules with take this place. Also you can have 2-Columns layout (content, left or right)
Enter any available suffixes at Extensions → Module Manager → Module → Module Class Suffix.
The captain of an Italian cruise ship that ran aground off Italy made excuses and resisted a coast guard officer's repeated orders for him to reboard his stricken liner and aid passengers, an audio recording released Tuesday reveals.
Prosecutors have accused Capt. Francesco Schettino of manslaughter, causing a shipwreck and abandoning his vessel before all passengers were evacuated during the grounding of the Costa Concordia cruise ship off the Tuscan coast on Friday night.guard officer's repeated orders for him to reboard his stricken liner and aid passengers
Yt Framework uses xml file to render your layout. The framework supports all general features of a joomla template. The below is the list of features:
- Multiple Layouts: Left-Main-Right, Left-Main, Main-Right, etc. With xml file, you can easy to create some layouts for a joomla template
- Mobile Ready
- Table-less Layout
- Search Engine Friendly
- Modules Types
- Cross-browser Support
- Typography
- Validation
- Template Parameters
- Google Font
- Font Size
- RTL language support
Duis sit amet velit quis augue sollicitudin tempus eget ut dui. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris vehicula
Citizen Journalism
- Unpam Lakukan Pelatihan Pembuatan Portofolio Guru SD
- Membela Negara Tidak Selamanya Harus Dengan Berperang
- Kemenag Gowa Laksanakan Peningkatan Penguatan MB Guru PAI
- Kegiatan Ramadhan Melibatkan Remaja Masjid dan Remaja Desa
- Melalui Seni, Salurkan Bakat dan Minimalkan Kenakalan
- Mabigus-Gudep Harus Dukung 1.000 Pramuka Garuda