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Saturday, 05 November 2016 23:34

Penulis : Yuweni Puji Saputri

Makassar - Phinisinews, Suryanation menyelenggarakan konser bertajuk qualitytime, dan menghadirkan Ello atau yang kini bernama panggung sebagai Marcello Tahitoe yang mengguncang panggung musik pada sabtu(5/11/16) di Resto Popsa, Makassar.

Tak hanya Ello, dalam konser quality time ini turut hadir penyanyi terkenal Ari Lasso dan Adera yang masing-masing menyanyikan 3 butir lagu andalan mereka yang tak luput dari perhatian penonton dan penggemar.

Ada yang berbeda dari penampilan Marcello kali ini, membuat para penggemar semakin jatuh cinta dan teriak menyuarakan nama penyanyi dengan rambut gondrong ini.

Hal itu disampaikan oleh Adera saat wawancara bersama
"Luar biasa, ello pertama kalinya konser sampai lompat lompat dan telanjang dada" ucapnya dengan nada penuh bangga.

Hal senadapun diungkapkan sang idola, "ini suatu hal yang beda, nuansa quality time yang berbeda dan pengalaman baru yang luar biasa" tegas Ello dengan diakhiri tawa lepas.

Nurul, yang merupakan penoton dan penggemar setia Ello mengungkap kagum pada penampilan Ello malam ini.
"Ello keren sekali, apalagi pas dia buka baju. Saya suka!" Ujarnya.

Animo penonton semakin menyemangatkan penyanyi muda ini, ia pun mengajak seluruh penggemarnya berdiri dan bernyanyi bersama, keringatpun tercurah membasahi rambut ikal yang terurai serta tato sayap di dadanya.

Terkhusus, ia juga berkolaborasi bersama pemenang dari videocom dalam lagunya yang berjudul Pergi untuk kembali.

Tak hanya itu saja, rupanya ello harus bersabar dengan banyaknya penggemar yang mengantri untuk mendapatkan foto bersama dengannya, karena memang ello mendapatkan perhatian lebih dari seluruh tamu Popsa yang hadir.***Mitha K.

Tuesday, 01 November 2016 17:54

Penulis : M. Arifandy

Makassar - Phinisinews, Perbasi hadirkan Atlet bertaraf International pada Internasional Softball Man's yang resmi dibuka oleh Ketua Harian Perbasasi Pemprov Sulsel di Lapangan Softball Karebosi Makassar, Selasa, 1/11/16.

Ketua Harian, Hudly Hudari membuka secara resmi acara tersebut dengan melempar bola softball sebagai simbolis.

Event ini merupakan yang pertama di lakukan Perbasasi Pemprov Sulsel, yang diikuti berbagai atlet International.

Hudly, berharap dengan adanya event seperti ini bisa memberikan motivasi serta prestasi yang baik terhadap atlet kita. "Kami dari Perbasasi Pemprov Sulsel sangat bangga menjadi tuan rumah event bertaraf internasional ini, tentunya ini bisa menjadi tempat sesuatu buat atlet kita menjadi lebih baik".

Ia berterima kasih kepada kepemimpinan Danny Pomanto sebagai ketua pengurus Sulsel yang telah melahirkan bibit-bibit softball dari pelajar hingga tingkat umum

Event ini menghadirkan enam tim yaitu, Varsity (Malaysia), Lakidende ( 8 orang Australia - Canada), Rembau (Malaysia), Pirates (1orang Belanda), Prambors (2 orang Australia- 1 Filipina) dan Piccodelly (6 orang New Zealand - 1orang dari Belanda).

Dalam partadingan pembuka akan mempertemukan Prambors melawan Piccodelly.

Kegiatan ini akan berlansung selama enam hari yaitu 1-6 November 2016.

Sebelumnya kegitan ini di buka oleh Merchine band dari Gema Suara 17 (SMA 17 Makassar) dan Tarian empat etnis dari Sanggar seni art. *** Mitha K.


Saturday, 29 October 2016 16:55

Penulis : Nurjannah

Makassar - Phinisinews, Festival bahari perahu tradisional 2016 yang selenggarakan oleh Dinas Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Kota Makassar pada 29/10/2016 dianjungan pantai losari.

Arak-arakan para penari menari diatas perahu sambil diiringi musik tradisional gandrangbulo dan penari dibawa ke tepi pantai sebagai simbol keanekaragaman budaya dan tempat wisata.

Ir. Hj. Rusmayani. Majid M,Sp sebagai kepala dinas pariwisata dan ekonomi kreatif menyatakan "kegiatan ini di selenggarakan agar kita bisa memelihara budaya kita dan memperlihatkan kepada masyarakat bahwa sebenarnya daerah kita mempunyai tenaga pelaut yang ulung (terbaik)," ungkapnya.

Festival ini telah terselanggara sejak tahun lalu dan tahun depan akan dilaksanakan lagi dan mengkolaborasikan dengan Makassar internasional eight festival (F8), lanjut Rusmayani.

Para pengunjung yang menyaksikan festival ini di hibur oleh seniman musik makassar, jazz akustik dan JK perkusik dengan membawakan lagu lagu daerah sulawesi selatan.

Pagelaran ini di hadiri oleh kepala Dinas Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Kota Makassar, para seniman dan para pengunjung pantai losari.***Mitha K.


Saturday, 29 October 2016 12:41

Penulis : M. Arifandy


Makassar - Phinisinews, si kecil butuh berekplorasi dan belajar secara alami. Ungkap mantan Putri Indonesia Syahnas Haqh dalam seminar Nestle Dancow "Excel Nutri dan Explore The World" di Mall Panakukang Makassar Sabtu, 29/10/16.

Syahnas menjelaskan, sih kecil bereksplorasi dan belajar secara alami itu seru. " Di usia seperti satu tahun itu, masa ekplorasinya biasakan dengan hal yang baik bagi si kecil," ucapnya.

Lanjutnya, "Anak yang masih kecil yang berada dalam masa ekplorasinya kadang terkena penyakit, jadi pastikan kita mengawal nutrisi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang tepat untuk anak kita".

Ia menambahkan, jadi pertumbuhan fisik anak begitu pesat, dan pertumbuhan otak masih berjalan terus. Jika di seimbangkan Gizi Pangan, dengan jenis dan jumlah yang sesuai di butuhkan.

"Seimbangkan makanan, ingat ukuran buat anak kecil. Seperti susu, buah, hingga sayuran. Porsinya anak seukuran kepalan tangan anak kecil," jelasnya.

Ia menyampaikan, pentingnya stimulasi dari Ayah dan Bunda untuk pengembangan si kecil misalnya, menyediakan ruang untuk bereksplorasi, membantu sih kecil untuk mengapai target tumbuh kembangnya secara optimal.

Jadi yang menjadi aspek perkembangannya meliputi Fisik (Motorik), Kognisi (Kemampuan berfikir), bahasa (Komunikasi), Emosi, serta Sosial.

Ia menyakini, " bunda yang cerdas adalah membuat anaknya jadi cemerlang", tutupnya.

Kegiatan ini di berlansung selama dua hari yaitu 29 hingga 30 Oktober 2016.***Mitha K.

Friday, 28 October 2016 23:24

 Penulis : M. Arifandy

Makassar - Phinisinews, Radikalisme telah masuk melalui gadget. Hal itu di ungkap oleh Kom Jend. Pol Suhardi Alius (Kepala BNPT) dalam Dialog Pemuda "Pemuda, Radikalisme dan Masa Depan Bangsa" Jum'at, 28/10/16 di Country Cafe and Resto Jl, Toddopuli Raya Timur Makassar.

Suhardi menjelaskan, kini radikalisme telah masuk melalui gadget hingga sosial media, ini karena tak ada yang mengontrolnya. "Semua memakai gadget tanpa melihat situasinya, apa lagi dengan konten - konten atau situs yang mampu mendegrasi pemuda bangsa kita," ucapnya.

Lanjut, " saya menyampaikan juga kepada Menkominfo untuk memblock konten-konten dan situs untuk anak bangsa kita".

Ia, berpesan kepada pemuda pemudi agar kiranya membekali ahlak dan ilmu agar seimbang. "Ahlak tanpa ilmu akan menjadi tanpa bagus, dan saya berharap pada pemuda agar tetap kritis, idealis" tegasnya.

Dialog yang di selenggarakan oleh Badko Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (HMI) ini dalam menyambut Hari Sumpah Pemuda.

Kegitan tersebut di hadiri oleh, Dr. Buhari Fakkah (Moderator), Ramdhan Dhany Pomanto Wali Kota Makassar, Prof. Qasim Mathar (Akademisi), serta Susanto perwakilan Pangdam VII Wirabuana.*** Mitha K.

Wednesday, 26 October 2016 13:41

Phinisinews/Reuter - Jakarta, Senior executives from the Asia Pacific headquarters of Alphabet Inc's (GOOGL.O) Google met Indonesian tax officials on Wednesday to negotiate the internet search company's tax bill, a person with knowledge of the matter told Reuters.

No agreement has been reached yet, said the person, who declined to be named as the information was confidential.

A Google spokesman declined to comment.

Indonesia plans to pursue Google for five years of back taxes, and the U.S. company could face a bill of more than $400 million for 2015 alone if it is found to have avoided payments, senior tax official Muhammad Haniv told Reuters last month.

Google Indonesia has said it continues to cooperate with local authorities and has paid all applicable taxes.

Indonesia is eager to ramp up tax collection to reduce its budget deficit and fund an infrastructure program. Other governments around the world are also seeking to clamp down on corporate tax avoidance.

Thailand is studying plans to toughen tax collection rules for internet and technology firms, the head of the Revenue Department told Reuters last month.

Ken Dwijugiasteadi, Indonesia's director-general of taxes, declined to comment on whether the meeting with Google took place on Wednesday, but told Reuters in a text message: "When the time is right, we will hold a press conference."

The tax office alleges that Google's local entity, PT Google Indonesia, paid less than 0.1 percent of the total income and value-added taxes it owed last year, with most of the revenue from the country being booked at Google's Asia Pacific headquarters in Singapore.

The Indonesian tax office has estimated the total advertising revenue for the industry in Indonesia at around $830 million a year, with Google and Facebook Inc (FB.O) accounting for around 70 percent of that.

But a joint study by Google and Singapore state investor Temasek released earlier this year estimated this at $300 million for 2015.

(Reporting by Gayatri Suroyo and Eveline Danubrata in Jakarta; Additional reporting by Hidayat Setiaji; Editing by Bill Tarrant and Jane Merriman)


Thursday, 27 October 2016 13:16

Phinisinews - (Reuter) An Indonesian court jailed a woman for 20 years on Thursday for murdering her college friend by poisoning her coffee, ending a dramatic case that gripped the country for months.

Foto : Jessica Kumala Wongso, who is accused of murdering her friend by poisoning her coffee with cyanide, gestures after her trial at the Central Jakarta Court in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Jessica Kumala Wongso, 27, an Indonesian citizen and permanent resident of Australia, remained expressionless while hearing the verdict and sentence.

"The defendant has been proven guilty of premeditated murder," presiding judge Kisworo said to applause from a packed courtroom without suggesting a motive.

"...The murder was vile and sadistic because the defendant did it to her own friend."

Wongso told the three-judge panel she thought the verdict was "unfair and one-sided".

Defense lawyers said she would appeal.

The two women had been meeting at a cafe in a central Jakarta mall when victim Wayan Mirna Salihin took a sip of a cyanide-laced drink, collapsed on the floor and went into convulsions, according to prosecutors. She died by the time she arrived at hospital.

Dozens of police were positioned around the Central Jakarta courtroom as crowds scrambled to get in to hear the verdict. The trial had heard testimony from a string of forensic and psychological experts and the case has generated headlines since Wongso was arrested earlier this year.

President Joko Widodo's administration waded into the case, saying Wongso would not be executed if she got the death penalty, according to media. The deal was made with Australia in order for Australian police to assist in the investigation.

Australia does not have the death sentence and opposes its use in other countries.

(Reporting by Djohan Widjaya; Additional reporting and writing by Kanupriya Kapoor; Editing by Nick Macfie)

Friday, 28 October 2016 12:04

Phinisinews - CNN, Michelle Payne knows how crazy it sounds to be grateful for a fall -- but she's grateful nonetheless.

The choice of word seems odd when you consider that she had her stomach trampled on by half a ton of racehorse just five months ago.

Three-quarters of her pancreas was severed. The surgeon saved it after cutting through layers of muscle to reach it, her liver was lacerated; and for days she recalls thinking: "I can't go on."

But last year's Melbourne Cup winner told CNN: "It was a blessing in disguise as it breathed life back in. There was no media near me, I got to get back on top of things mentally.

"So in some ways it was a good thing, in some ways I'm grateful. It just may have been an extreme way to get to that point!"

Payne is no stranger to drama, last year becoming the first female winner of the Melbourne Cup, befittingly in the purple, white and green colors of the Suffragettes.

But much like her life -- laid bare so honestly in her autobiography "Life As I Know It" -- the fairytale, as she calls it, has been punctuated by massive pitfalls, most recently being replaced as the jockey of last year's winner Prince of Penzance.

For the 31-year-old, there have been a lot of highs since that famous win, but for all her effervescent personality -- her "get stuffed" reaction to her victory has gone down in horse racing folklore -- being in the spotlight has not always been a pleasant experience.

And she may still get a chance to ride in the "race that stops a nation." Australia's Daily Telegraph recently reported that her run of good of form could see her given a chance on the Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum-owned horse Qewy.

"The hardest part has been the stress in my life but you have to take the good with the bad," she says.

At times, she finds the interviews hard, pausing for reflection to explain why before saying: "I think that looking back about things really wears me out."

While the recent past throws up highs, in the more distant past is heartache. Her mother Mary died in a crash when she was just six years old leaving her father Paddy to raise 10 children on his own.

Then eight years ago, her sister Bridget suffered head injuries in a riding fall, had a seizure a few days later and died.
"I've had some tough times and it's not been easy," she says of the personal tragedies, "but then nothing in life is easy.

"I definitely didn't think I would have had the crazy life I've had so far. I'm hoping the next 30 years aren't as crazy as the first 30! At least it means nothing in life surprises me anymore. I shake my head at things that happen but hopefully it all settles down."

Foto : Michelle Payne back in the saddle riding earlier in the year.

In some ways, Payne pines for the quiet life. She is slowly moving into training -- she currently has just two horses under her tutelage -- and there are clearly aspirations for more success.

But for now, her future goal is to enjoy life. "The horses are a hobby and I just want to enjoy that and life on the farm having a bit of peace."

Meeting her idol

Her life to date has been sufficiently captivating for a movie to be made by the Oscar-nominated actress and director Rachel Griffiths.

"As you can imagine, it's quite surreal so I try not to think about it. I try not to get too involved -- although they'll tell me who they've got in mind to play me -- and hopefully they do a great job.

"But it's crazy. My hero's Roger Federer and they're not making a movie about him but they are about me."

A clear high of the past year has been to meet her idol, whose first words regarding her Melbourne Cup triumph were simply "well done."

"I think anybody in elite sport knows how hard it is to be successful so he just sort of congratulated me on that," she adds.

"But that was great. I never in my wildest dream imagined I'd meet Roger Federer."
Payne is slowly coming to terms with the impact she has made on the racing world and the boost she has given women in sport.

Her sisters tried to persuade her to call time on her riding career, and at times she was 50-50 whether to return. But that return has been vindicated by her first comeback win in the Coleraine Cup.

"The fall was the worst week of my life," she admits. "The pain was just incredible, such a shock. I got trodden on with my horse at full gallop and the pain was so much I had to double up on painkillers.

"I ended up hallucinating and then had to have an epidural that didn't work, and there were tubes coming out of everywhere. It was a nightmare. I didn't think poor me, I just wanted to survive and by day three or four I didn't think I could go on."

Foto : Payne was a guest of honour at the Australian Open semi-final between Johanna Konta and Angelique Kerber.

She remains in awe of the nurses and doctors who got her back on her feet, in particular the surgeon who saved her pancreas, and, as a result, "also saved me from being a diabetic for the rest of my life."

'I'll never lose hope'

But her view is: "When it's your time, it's your time. I could be in an accident on the road today or tomorrow. Whatever will be will be. But I couldn't not do this."

Payne argues she has another year or two left in her as a jockey but that there was never once a concern of getting back in the saddle.

She rode for the first time in training five weeks after surgery despite not being pain free until three months after the operation. Now, she says: "I've never felt better."

Fit and firing, it has given her the opportunity to dwell more on that famous win.

Whatever happens this year and beyond, that can never be taken away from her.



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